Wednesday 7 December 2011

Synecdoche, New York: the story of life (Charlie Kaufman style!)

A lost masterpiece.

Told through the eyes of Caden Cotard (a brilliant Philip Seymour Hoffman), we learn of his tragedy. Life. Life is his tragedy thus it becomes his play. Re-creating life in a warehouse for his new play, after winning the MacArthur Genius Grant, Cotard enables us to see how life really is.

Boasting a stellar cast (look out for Keener and Williams in this too), this definitely takes dedication, and threatens on loosing the audience on first viewing (its difficult to totally immerse yourself in the 'oddisies' of Kaufman's script), but the result is more than worth the wait. Definitely weird, but 110% wonderful. This is a brilliant film, so underrated.

That's the thing. No awards, varied reviews, low rankings on imdb and rotten tomatoes. What is the world coming to!? That's the main reason for this post. Not to just rant about my opinion (though that's never stopped me before),  but to give this film its more than due credit. If this was mentioned in the same breath as 2001 or Raging Bull, I would not question it. A truly amazing film, that should be admired for decades to come.

Ebert compares Kaufman to auteur's like Bergman (see below) and after this, you can't help but agree. A true masterpiece, not to be missed.

Sunday 4 December 2011

the Seventh Seal (1957)

Just watched this tonight. Great classic by Ingmar Bergman. As confused as its director about the ideas of faith and religion.

The many contradictions (faith/atheism, light/dark, hope/despair, comedy/tragedy) and lack of answers merely add to the provoking questions the director is demanding from viewers. Not only that but Bergman utlises all resources of the medium (lighting, camera framing, setting etc.) so we can see the conflict in every way.

One contradiction I can't get my head around though is the idea that God does not exist (at least to the title character of the knight), but there is a still strong feeling of retribution to those who die of plague that embodies the film. I dunno. Nevertheless, this merely shows its brilliance (the fact I am asking this kinda question shows how thought provoking it is) rather than highlighting a flaw.

So yeh, bassically just wanted to say that this is a true masterpiece. And for god's sake (excuse the pun), watch it!!!

Best scene: the confession of the knights torment about loosing his faith. Lighting is stunning, the setting of an enclosed space with bars behind is brilliant, and von Sydow knails the monologue (which so clearly reflects the directors own thoughts). Utter, utter brilliance.

Watch it!!!

Director Ingmar Bergman: one of the major directors that defined cinema

Friday 25 November 2011

Q's Back!: in the form of Ben Whishaw

Expect a full update on Skyfall (yes, i know! we'll talk about it later), but for now here's a quick update that's rather important.

After being left out of Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, everyone's favourite gadget expert is back! This time, however, Q is coming in a bit of a younger form, with Ben Whishaw up for playing the role.

I only know this guy as Sidney in Layer Cake, but tv lovers may know him better as Freddie Lyon in the Hour or maybe Ariel in the Tempest. He's also played numerous film roles (as well as that one in Layer Cake), including the lead in Jane Campion's Bright Star and supporting roles in I'm Not There and the International.

At 31, and still with that youthful face, we can expect a more down-with-all-the-tech kinda of Q, in contrast to the much older one seen before. Another revamp of a character then. How will it come off? It will not be until  October 26th 2012 that we will probably find out, but until than, as always, we can speculate.

He's younger which means a fresh take, sure, but necessarily a good one? I am not entirely convinced. Change for a younger age bracket may have something more got to do with money than artistic taste (if artistic taste is involved in any Bond film). But its not only me to decide, what are your thoughts? Glad that good-young Q is back? Liking the new image? Share your views below...

Monday 21 November 2011

Man of Steel

Man of Steel. The new Superman reboot.

Much like the Dark Knight Rises, this is another important update on one of the big blockbusters coming up. This new Superman tail is not out until June 2013, but thought I'd get the excitement going early on this one. I mean it is Superman! We really should be getting excited

Despite the long wait,  there's still a lot to catch up on. We got the (only) official pic released so far of Henry Cavil as our new Superman, while also some unofficial, sneaky pics, for those who want to push the boundaries a bit. Included in these beauties is a closer look of our new Superman as well as first look of Russell Crowe as supes dad, Jor-El(!).

With the brains of Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer, and the directing (talent?) of Zack Snyder, this will definately be a reboot more along the lines of Bond and, of course, Batman. Can it live up to its hype though? With the likes of Amy Adams (another one we love at the moment. See: the Fighter) as Lois Lane and Russell Crowe as father Jor-El, it definitely has some strong cast members to help it. It may need that help with Snyder directing though.

There was much, much anticapation of who was going to direct, with Nolan himself a rumour at one point, but when it came down to it Zack Snyder was to be the one that was given the reins to the reboot of the most beloved superhero. Not sure this was the best choice. It just doesn't create good impressions getting Snyder to oversee this kind of reboot. Isn't it like getting Michael Bay to do X-Men? An acclaimed director at least would give this revamp huge credibility, but Znyder's name on the front definately shouts commercial rather than credible.

Nevertheless, in Nolan we trust. Nolan has the idea I'm sure and Znyder's take will definately be very...different. Good or bad in the end, we will see.

Anyway, enough of me ranting. Take a look at the facts, figures and pics below and see how you think this new Supe is shaping up....

Director: Zack Snyder

Screenplay: David S. Goyer

Story: David S. Goyer and Christopher Nolan

Cast: Henry Cavill (Clark Kent/Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Michael Shannon ( General Zod), Russel Crowe (Jor-El), Kevin Costner (Jonathan Kent), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White)

Official Pic:

Sets the mood for a more brooding, more action based Supes. First look at the new suit as well. This suit has had many incarnations (see below) but this looks like a good modern take. What differences can we see? Obviously there are the pants which have being abandoned for a Spider-ma-style blue continuity. Then we have the maroon red and darker blue to add to the mood. The extension of the cape is a nice addition too - adds to that epic feel. Good start then. Just enough homage to the original with nice modern touches. Impressed, and veeery excited!

Unofficial, on-set pics:

Got a bit more of a pouch there superman...

Cavill all buffed up.

The new 'Kent farm'.

Action sequence (one of many we're guessing). Note: no cape on Cavill in this one(?).

A Shirtless Henry Cavill On The Set Of 'Man Of Steel'

True to Snyder form, a bit of green screen. Not sure how this scene will fit in though....

Getting a sense of the action increase in these ones then. As only Snyder does there's the usual green screen but much of these shots show more on set stuff than Snyder's work in the past. Nolan's influence? Let's hope so, I mean no-one mixes action with character study better than our Nolan. And with this load of action, its definitely going to need the balance to make the film more than just another Snyder blockbuster.

Cavill, on a bike! First look at young Kent. Not sure how young he's suppose to be here, but he may need some tips from Benjamin Button for this transformation.

First look at Jor-El! What do you think? Reservations may begin to seek in at this point. Jor-El is looking more like an enemy from star trek than Superman's biological father in this one. Not to be too harsh, though....

The incarnations of Superman (if you wanted to compare Superman's, this is what the comparison website would toss-up):

Oldest Superman Actors From Right to Left The New Superman Man of Steel Costume Henry Cavill

How does the new Superman compare then? By the looks of these comparison photos Cavill and co. seem to be shaping our new Superman pritty well. Indeed, all in all, I don't think we could be more excited. Unless we were jumping up and swiveling in our seats screaming, but hey some of us may already be at that point. Hopefully there'll be a teaser before that becomes widespread, though. Here's for hoping....

Man of Steel is out June 2013, check out the Director's Cut for any future news.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Brave: Pixar's new one

Critical dip for Pixar with Cars 2 (though obviously a commercial smash hit) means something to make up again for the leading animation company. Thus, we have a more theme centred piece: women ridding of the barriers that prevent them from their rightful freedom. Good theme then, and the film looks to be back to Pixar's high standards too. Check out some more family fun below...

Brave Trailer

The Pirates!: from the creators of Wallace and Gromit/Chicken Run...

good fun for all the family. looks good.

The Pirates!: Band of Misfits - Trailer