Sunday 4 December 2011

the Seventh Seal (1957)

Just watched this tonight. Great classic by Ingmar Bergman. As confused as its director about the ideas of faith and religion.

The many contradictions (faith/atheism, light/dark, hope/despair, comedy/tragedy) and lack of answers merely add to the provoking questions the director is demanding from viewers. Not only that but Bergman utlises all resources of the medium (lighting, camera framing, setting etc.) so we can see the conflict in every way.

One contradiction I can't get my head around though is the idea that God does not exist (at least to the title character of the knight), but there is a still strong feeling of retribution to those who die of plague that embodies the film. I dunno. Nevertheless, this merely shows its brilliance (the fact I am asking this kinda question shows how thought provoking it is) rather than highlighting a flaw.

So yeh, bassically just wanted to say that this is a true masterpiece. And for god's sake (excuse the pun), watch it!!!

Best scene: the confession of the knights torment about loosing his faith. Lighting is stunning, the setting of an enclosed space with bars behind is brilliant, and von Sydow knails the monologue (which so clearly reflects the directors own thoughts). Utter, utter brilliance.

Watch it!!!

Director Ingmar Bergman: one of the major directors that defined cinema

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