Tuesday 31 May 2011

Fincher's Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: the Trailer is Leaked!

Wow. If only it was the original instead of a remake. It feels like a new cult film. Perfect heroin for a cult film as well. I've never thought I'd feel so good about a 'feel bad film'. Especially a 'feel bad film of christmas' (that's the icing on the cake for this trailer, or is it 'she's coming'. Definitely one of the two).

Anyway, check out this trailer. It's a brilliant soundtrack, made amazing by the fast paced (and just pure genius) editing. A first class trailer. Very excited now.

Check out the new trailer below and share your thoughts...

New Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Red Band Trailer

PS Fincher I am sorry I questioned you (I was unsure about such a corporate-driven remake). You're a legend.

Andrew Dominik and Brad Pitt Together Again

One of the rarest gems in the world is a Jadeite. Bet you didn't know that, did ya? Well, the Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is a similar gem. Very rare. Very unusual. And absolutely beautiful. The only major difference in this kinda weird analogy is that if Jadeite was a film it would be widely acclaimed and given tonnes of awards. Obviously, Jesse James wasn't given the privilege of such a reception. Despite this quite masterpiece (which managed to reinvent the recently stale western genre) going unrecognised by the Hollywood elite, we still have another collaboration on the way from the director-(mega) star duo that brought us Assassination.

Thus, we get a brand new pic from Andrew Dominik’s, Cogan's Trade. While no release date as yet (though expect to see this beginning of 2012), the film still sees Pitt's Plan B company supporting the film, as he did with Assassination, while he (as the picture below shows) also takes the lead role. In this lead role, Pitt plays the enforcer, Jackie Cogan, who hunts down the group of junkies that knocked off a mob-protected poker game, and made some bad people very unhappy. 

Needless to say, with Dominik behind the camera again and a host of acting talent including Ray Liotta, Bella Heathcote, Garret Dillahunt, James Gandolfini as well as Pitt himself, wesa is very excited about this one. Yes, the fact that the release date could be in January (Oscar time!) gives us an indication that the quality will be high, just to look at their last work can tell us that this will be exciting stuff.

As for the image leak. Little is given away in terms of plot details or how this one is going to play out, but nevertheless it still manages to get our excitement-glands moving. Why has it captured our imagination when there is very little to be seen, I hear you ask? Lacking in substance, it is the mood that captures the heart. The dim car park light, against the dull, dark night. The rough leather jacket, and the harsh, long shot gun. Long, slicked back hair and the rugged, dark beard. The atmosphere captivates us. Indeed, while simple, it is a clever first image leak. 

But what do you think? Are we looking too deep into it? Are we just getting carried away? Check out the image and post your thoughts about Dominik’s next latest below...

Monday 30 May 2011

Drive: New Clip from Ryan Gosling's Latest

Like his recent endeavour (the amazing Blue Valentine), Ryan Gosling is underrated. While Total Film magazine would have given him the best actor Oscar this year, the academy award panel of mysterious old, wise wizards of the film industry didn't even want him nominated(!). Unusually, the movie execs cannot be accused of the same blunder, as they have scrambled - for some years now- to break Gosling into the big time (with the likes of both Captain America and Hawkeye being offered to him!). But, unfortunately (for them), to no avail.

Hence, we get a new clip from his latest small-time-indie film, Drive. It follows the story of a stunt driver (Gosling) who earns extra cash by being a wheelman to the odd shady character or two. This is until he finds a contract on his head when one hit goes a bit wrong. Needless to say, this looks like a keeper.

While Gosling appears to play the part with his usual subtly, though, it is the influence of (slightly-inconsistent) director, Nicholas Winding that makes us film geeks particularly excited about this low key collaboration.

While making his name known by Bronson, and dividing people with Valhalla Rising, this new clip could show the director hitting material. Introducing us to the getaway, the indications from this clip are clear. Lingering shots and the pulsing score. Beautiful lights, in those downtrodden city's. Slow build up of that subtle tension. While substance of the film will have to wait for the actual release, this clip at least proves a technical ability reminiscent of the legendary, and unforgettable Michael Mann. Adding the abilities of Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston and Christina Hendricks into the mix and we could have an overlooked golden egg of a film on our hands.

So, while everyone knows about the likely greatness of Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it is only us, the true film geeks, who will know of Winding's new break through and Gosling's new triumph (before it's all even happened!).

But don't take my word for it. Is this Winding's breakthrough into the full on big time? Check out the clip below and give us your thoughts on Gosling's and Winding's new collaborative outing...

Drive Preview from Cannes

Thursday 26 May 2011

Hanna: Bourne meets the Bride

Just went to see Joe Wright's Hollywood blockbuster, Hanna. I'm not going to review it or anything but just wanted to share the fact I'd give it 4 out of 5, and it was a surprisingly good film that took a simple concept and by running with it made it an above-average, action-thriller-coming-of-age movie. While the film dipped in the third act (though loving a Quentin Tarantino style end line), it has proved director Joe Wright to have vibrancy in his direction that was not even shown in the amazing Atonement.  More than this, the great new film proves Saoirse Ronan (absolutely fantastic in this!) and Wright, to be the future forces that will take Hollywood by storm in the years to come.

PS Oh and I also saw Thor (i.e. the one where Kenneth Branagh sold out to the Marvel movie executives, and Chris Hemsworth becomes a star). It's crap.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Batman Reboot Planned...again!

In light of the ever increasing cast for Marvel's new Avengers movie (now including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, and no doubt a host of other massive movie stars I just...left out), Warner Bros. has announced a reboot of the Batman franchise after Chris Nolan's latest, the Dark Knight Rises. Yes people, in the hope of getting DC's Justice League finally under way (after a sea of trouble last time), the big bosses in charge have decided, in all their wisdom, to reboot Batman ready for the new franchise.

What does this mean for Batman? Well if the Justice League is to hit the deadline set by Jeff Robinov (big boss no.1), of 2013, a more comic-style Batman is to be created in the next couple of years. So gone is the realistic, down-to-earth batman, and in comes the new, slightly more camp batman, ready for new adventures with his more power driven co.

While it may seem like all is lost, though, there is a glimmer of light at the end of that pitch black, gloomy tunnel, as big boss no.1 is quoted as saying: "Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is." So there you have it! While faces have sunk at the idea of loosing the realism of the (already legendary) Dark Knight, there is a gleaming bit of hope in the fact that Christopher Nolan and wife/producing partner Emma Thomas will still hold some of the reins from the latest series, even if Nolan isn't directing.

So all is not lost oh loyal Nolan-Batman fans. With the brains behind the latest Batman also behind this new Batman, we can stay somewhat positive at the appalling, catastrophically terrible piece of news that is the fact that Batman is to be rebooted...again.

'the Tree of Life' Wins the Palme D'Or in Cannes

the Tree of Life. The line between love and hate is never so close as when considering Terrance Malik's directorial films. For me, I have to admit I am on the latter side of the line. But this has not prevented Cannes offering it's highest accolade to the controversial Malik.

We cannot say this is a surprise. On the contrary, the Tree of Life is an expected winner. With the likes of the legendary De Niro and the gorgeous Uma Thurman judging on this years panel for Cannes, Malik's arty-Hollywood film is a perfect choice for the lead prize, acting as a nice addition to Malik's mantle of film festival wins. While unsurprising though, was it worthy?

Through his films to date, Malik has maintained a preacher-esque atmosphere to his films. Indeed, with a degree in philosophy from some of the best uni's in America, it is unsurprising as a director he wishes to share his vision of war (The Thin Red Line) or life (this new winner), from a philosophical standpoint. However, in an industry of motion pictures, Malik's ideas should, surely, be reflected more through motion and less through the preaching voice-over's he continually adopts. This lack of subtly can overwhelm some who question why such a director who lays his message on so thick, should be deemed a "genius" (the New York Times).

Indeed, "genius" puts Mailk on the same level as Kubrick and Coppola. Thus, we see events like that in Cannes, when Malik's winner was booed in it's first screening(!), as critics try to tip the balance back to from "genius" to "average". After all, does the Thin Red Line come even close to matching Apocalypse Now's true genius of war? Does the Tree of Life some up modern life better than Kubrick's 'way-ahead-of-it's-time' 2001?

Then again, maybe it's me. Maybe I'm just not appreciating the genius of an artist. I really don't know. Malik the genius or Malik the preacher? Cast your thoughts below. You decide... 

Monday 23 May 2011


A big hello to all you loyal film fan's, on the first post from 'the Director's Cut'. Stay with me for commentary on all the new films and all the film news updates. Together we will piece together all the films coming our way, while judging all the old ones.