Tuesday 24 May 2011

Batman Reboot Planned...again!

In light of the ever increasing cast for Marvel's new Avengers movie (now including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, and no doubt a host of other massive movie stars I just...left out), Warner Bros. has announced a reboot of the Batman franchise after Chris Nolan's latest, the Dark Knight Rises. Yes people, in the hope of getting DC's Justice League finally under way (after a sea of trouble last time), the big bosses in charge have decided, in all their wisdom, to reboot Batman ready for the new franchise.

What does this mean for Batman? Well if the Justice League is to hit the deadline set by Jeff Robinov (big boss no.1), of 2013, a more comic-style Batman is to be created in the next couple of years. So gone is the realistic, down-to-earth batman, and in comes the new, slightly more camp batman, ready for new adventures with his more power driven co.

While it may seem like all is lost, though, there is a glimmer of light at the end of that pitch black, gloomy tunnel, as big boss no.1 is quoted as saying: "Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is." So there you have it! While faces have sunk at the idea of loosing the realism of the (already legendary) Dark Knight, there is a gleaming bit of hope in the fact that Christopher Nolan and wife/producing partner Emma Thomas will still hold some of the reins from the latest series, even if Nolan isn't directing.

So all is not lost oh loyal Nolan-Batman fans. With the brains behind the latest Batman also behind this new Batman, we can stay somewhat positive at the appalling, catastrophically terrible piece of news that is the fact that Batman is to be rebooted...again.

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