Monday 20 June 2011

the Lion King: Refind Your Childhood!

After plonking myself in front of the tv to watch the Lion King (my best friend was determined to watch it for his birthday!), I now realise the joy of my entire childhood.

With themes such as rivalry and grief, it's weird to think I could find my childhood in a film thick with adult themes. But I did! Because, despite tackling fairly adult themes, the Lion King still remains a children’s animation. Indeed, this is one of Disney’s finest children adventures.

With classic music (tell me hakuna matada doesn't make you want to jump up with happiness?) and heart warming character's (take a bow wise, old Rafiki.), the film oozes its classic status.

While it’s easy to forget some of these charming features which make the film so amazing, watching again can revitalised that inner feeling of joy you get as a child (as well as reminding me just how great Disney can be!).

So, while this may seem like a promotion to go and buy the amazing 2 disc special addition of the Lion King which is available from any good dvd retailers now(!), instead this is a blog to invite all readers to go and refind their childhood. It doesn't have to be with the Lion King (although I do suggest it should be!), it can be any of Disney's (or Pixar's, if you've moved on to the modern age of animation) classics. 

Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Bambi, Cinderalla, Sleeping Beauty, Dumbo, choose. Any takers?!

PS happy birthday p! thanks for getting me to watch this beauty again

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