Sunday 23 October 2011

Contagion: Hollywood does a flu advert

Soderbergh's Traffic was an example film in how to handle an ensemble cast. Contagion is unfortunately not. Marion Catillard disappears while none of the others have enough screen time anyway to make a connection. Not that they necessarily would if they did.

The character's stories are stereotypes (look at Kate Winslet's 'hard working scientist' who has to cope with the no good, evil, admin women), while the script lags any momentum. Not even Soderberg can give the story of an unknown 'flu' killing people across the world, real credibility. The lectures about how many times we touch our face, the long lingering look at people who sneeze (uh oh!), and the slow steady wiping of a glass with someone's hand. It's all silly.

Take away the voice over and add a $60 million budget to a flu NHS advert. That's Contagion.

The over emphasis on these incorruptible, hard working officials does not ring true either; of course the drugs companies are going to be pulling the strings and milking it, and yes, some of these noble price winner scientists might help them a bit sometimes. Its true. At best, the idea of these officials getting all the stick and not deserving it, is not a relevant theme in a society over loaded with, yes, corrupt officials!

So want a sneak peak of Soderbergh's latest starring tonnes of unnecessary stars including Matt Damon, Gwyenth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Lawrence Fishburne and Marion Catillard? Check out this NHS advert on mute below...

NHS flu advert i.e. Contagion trailer

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