Tuesday 25 October 2011

the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: Update

Could it be his Chinatown? Maybe that's getting a bit overexcited. We can be excused though, since we've just learnt that Fincher wants a three-hr(!) cut of Dragon Tattoo! Whether he gets it is another matter (the big Sony execs decide), but this at least proves that this is more than just a simple blockbuster for the director (unlike Panic Room). Indeed, this is shaping up to be a worthy cinematic entry from the top-of-his-game, should-have-got-the-Oscar-last-year, director.

We'll have to wait till boxing day to find out whether our excitement has been justified, but until then we've got the new poster below to scrutinize and tease apart. Not as controversial as the last entry, but take a look and see if the Swedish proverb and the fading, over-lap images do it for you....

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