Wednesday 26 October 2011

Kerry Washington joins the Django cast

He was looking for a newcomer. For hours and hours he was looking at the tapes of auditions. In the end, QT has decided on the one he wanted in the first place. Kerry Washington. She was good in Ray and the Last King of Scotland, but not sure how much potential Washington has. Maybe less of a Uma Thurman casting and more of a Pam Grier casting then? That's not to say were not hopeful. This could be her breakout performance, and hey, why not!?

Washington will play the kidnapped wife of Jamie Foxx's (yes, there back together again) slave Django. So it'll be for Kerry Washington that Foxx will turn himself into a bounter hunter and track down DiCaprio's evil plantation owner.

This addition is just another lot of icing in what is becoming a very big cake. The stellar cast now contains an eye watering amount of stars including: Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel Jackson, Christopher Waltz, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kurt Russell as well as the pre-mentioned Foxx and Washington. Unlike Contagion, we're hoping all these stars are put to good use. It should be out Dec. 2012.

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